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Orange Jordan Shares Pride of Silver Jubilee with Jordanians & Changes Network Name

Amidst Jordanian’s pride of the Silver Jubilee of His Majesty King Abdullah II's ascension to the throne and assumption of constitutional powers, culminating 25 years of achievements and prosperity, Orange Jordan joined the series of national events that took place on this momentous occasion and changed its network name to Jubilee 25 given its positioning as an integral part of the Jordanian society’s fabric.

Orange Jordan joined the Silver Jubilee’s vibrant array of activities through a special station, allowing Jordanians to express their joy on this significant national occasion that marks the transformative progress that Jordan has witnessed. Participants were able through this station to observe the red parade. The Silver Jubilee symbolizes values of pride and honor amongst Jordanians, as it unifies them behind the royal leadership and marks a 25-year journey of modernization and milestones that have placed Jordan amongst top regional and international countries due to the increasing weight of the role that it is carrying on as a leading country supported by its wise leadership.

Orange Jordan extends its heartfelt congratulations to His Majesty King Abdullah II, Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah on this occasion that marks His Majesty’s Assumption of constitutional powers. It expresses its utmost appreciation of His Majesty’s prudent vision and wise leadership which contributed to significant and extraordinary growth and prosperity in all sectors, especially the most vital ones. Orange Jordan also congratulates the Jordanian government and all citizens on this occasion, which paves the way for a new chapter of future achievements.

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