Companies news
“ Jordan a land of opportunities for international investors ”
CCI France Jordanie/CAFRAJ joined Jordanian Businessmen Association( JBA) & Groupement Du Patronat Francophones (GPF) as a local partner. in one of the sessions at the Fourth International Conference for Francophone Investors under the title “ Jordan a land of opportunities for international investors ”.
Mr. Ibrahim Kattan, the executive director of CAFRAJ, was the moderator of the session, joined by:
- Mr. Tarak CHERIF, President of Confédération des entreprises citoyennes de Tunisie
(Confederation of Tunisian enterprises). (Tunisia) - Mr. Marwan IDRIS, General Manager of Adonis group T&T. (Jordan) Member of CAFRAJ who spoke about Tourism, “ a socio-cultural bridge among francophones”
- Mr. Marwan OWEISS, Managing Partner - Grand Arabia Forwarding and Logistic Services in Jordan and Iraq, Member of CAFRAJ. (Jordan) who made a presentation entitled: “Empowering women in Logistics in Jordan”
Mr. Kattan presented the important role of CCI France Jordanie/CAFRAJ In strengthening Jordanian-French relations, he introduced the most important services and activities by our CCI and our role in serving the private sector of both countries. CCI France Jordanie/CAFRAJ will celebrate its 25th anniversary in August of 2023.